Frequently asked questions

What is a Giving Day?

The Gresham’s Foundation will be running its first ever giving day on 22 and 23 June.

A giving day is an opportunity for those associated with Gresham’s all over the world to unite and make a lasting difference to the lives of children at the School and those attending in the future. It is a chance to learn more about the School's bursary and scholarship programmes, hear from Old Greshamians and other members of the School community about the impact of a Gresham's education, and to support either the Gresham's Foundation Bursary Fund or Bruce-Lockhart Fund, both of which are supporting and securing the future of Gresham's bursary programme. Please do visit the Bursary Fund and Bruce-Lockhart Fund pages from the main Giving Day page to learn more.

The purpose of the giving day is to energise the whole Gresham’s community around the School’s charitable objectives and the importance of and need for support of the bursary programme, in particular. During this 36 hour online fundraising challenge, we are aiming to raise as much as we can in support of the School’s bursary programme.

The giving day is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of the Gresham’s Foundation and bring the whole School community together; it should bring about high levels of donor participation as well as financial support, and build towards ambitious targets and goals, the results of which will have a significant and lasting impact on the School and pupils. Matched funding is also available, which will double the impact of donors’ support.

It will also be a fun way in which to get Gresham’s pupils involved on the day. It will inform them about the Foundation and its impact and is a chance for pupils to take part in challenges, so they too can help raise and unlock funds for the Foundation, help support the local community, and, in turn, encourage Old Greshamians to also get involved and support the campaign.

Why is a giving day different to any other day?

Gifts made during this period will go even further than usual. Thanks to the Fishmongers’ Company, the first £50,000 raised on the Giving Day will be matched pound for pound.

Furthermore, the Company have provided challenge funds that will be unlocked once we achieve particular goals. Take a look at the ‘Challenges’ page to see if your gift is eligible to unlock funds.

How can I make my gift?

We want to make it easy for you to participate in our giving day, and gifts can be given in a variety of different ways:

Online: through our Hubbub Giving Day platform.

By phone (paying by credit or debit card): Call +44 (0)1263 714529

By cheque: To make a donation by cheque, please make it out to ‘The Gresham’s Foundation’ and, if applicable, please download and complete the donation form with Gift Aid declaration and post the form and cheque to The Development Office, Gresham’s School, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6EA

Can I make a gift before the giving day?

Yes. We know that everyone’s schedules may not allow them to participate during the Giving Day itself. You can make a gift in advance online through the Giving Day website from Friday 26 May 2023 or get in touch with us at or on +44 (0)1263 714529, if you wish to make another type of gift.

Why does Gresham’s need to raise funds?

As it was when Sir John Gresham founded the School in 1555, his intention to support and educate young local pupils not only remains but is of the utmost importance. Equally, the School also plans to offer a greater amount of significant and life-changing support to those who require it throughout Norfolk and from further afield too.

Every year a number of pupils are awarded either partial or significant bursaries, which allows families the chance to send their child to the School. Donations to The Bursary Fund are essential to the School’s mission of truly ‘opening its doors’ and widening access, regardless of financial background. Equally, the newly setup Bruce-Lockhart endowment Fund will help secure the future of the School’s bursary programme. The endowment fund will support bursaries for local young people in perpetuity – a hugely impactful cause that will have a significant impact.

The School itself allocates a large portion of its operational income towards bursary support each year. Of the entire bursary provision that was awarded at School in recent years, approximately 25% was funded by donations to The Bursary Fund, whilst further support was afforded due to the successes of the School’s commercial activities. Although this is a large amount of funding, increasing the size of the Bursary Fund and building a significant bursary endowment fund (the Bruce-Lockhart Fund) is an ongoing priority for the School. The immediate and long-term impact of doing so cannot be overstated: it will help to both underpin and expand Gresham’s bursary commitments - further widening access to the School - but in turn also allow for increased investments in other areas of School life, ensuring Gresham’s continues to offer a truly special and well-rounded education.

Gresham’s is committed to widening access, ensuring young people, regardless of their financial background, have the opportunity to study and thrive here. The extent to which the School can achieve this goal is dependent upon increasing philanthropic support for The Gresham’s Foundation Bursary Fund and Bruce-Lockhart Fund. It is the School’s hope that more Old Greshamians and Friends of the School will generously donate to either fund, thereby helping to ensure that significant bursarial support is made available every year.

Is the Gresham’s Foundation a charity?

Yes, the Foundation is a registered charity, no 1109441

What difference will my donation make?

Your gift today will either support bursaries in the coming academic year (gifts to The Bursary Fund) or help to secure the future of the School’s overarching bursary programme (gifts to The Bruce-Lockhart Fund).

All gifts, whatever size they may be, make a difference. Having a large number of donors encourages others to support too and means match and challenge funding gets unlocked faster. So, whatever you can give, you can be sure that your contribution is effective and greatly appreciated.

How much do people give on a Giving Day?

It depends entirely on the individual’s wishes. Gifts of any size really do make a difference.

Collective participation makes a huge impact. For example, last year’s telephone campaign saw more than 75 OGs donate to the Foundation, all of which was matched 1:1 by an anonymous OG donor. All together this raised £100,000, the majority of which was earmarked for the Bruce-Lockhart Fund. This very much showcases the power and impact of collective support.

Gresham’s charitable impact has also been greatly assisted by the generosity of individuals who make more significant gifts, at four-figure donations and beyond, either as part of a fundraising campaign like this one or of their own accord following confidential discussions with the School’s Development Office.

Is my credit card payment secure?

Yes. We are using a secure, off-site payment processor called Stripe, the world’s leading tool for donor-friendly payments, to process our credit card transactions.

Is there a minimum or maximum donation I can make?

The minimum online gift amount is £1. There’s no maximum donation, and every donation has an impact.

Can I claim Gift Aid on this donation?

Yes, so long as you have paid as much Income Tax and/or Capital Gains tax as the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of your donations in that tax year. The Foundation can reclaim the basic tax rate (25%) on your gift, with no extra cost to you. So your donation of £100 will in fact be worth £125.

Will my giving day contribution be tax-deductible?

UK: If you’re in the UK and eligible for Gift Aid, Gresham’s can claim 25% back in tax from your donation. If you’re a Higher Rate Tax Payer (40% and above), you can claim tax back on your charitable donations at the end of the tax year.

USA: Your gift is tax-deductible - when making your gift, just select ‘Donate in USD’. You will receive an email confirmation and tax-receipt.

Will all of my gift support the School’s bursary programme?

Stripe, our payment processor, charges a small fee of 1.2% + 20p for each donation. This means that a £10 donation would result in £9.68 going towards bursary support at School (excluding gift aid). All of your support minus this fee will be directed towards either the Bursary Fund or Bruce-Lockhart Fund.

I would like my donation to support a different area of the School. Is this possible?

Yes, of course. The Gresham’s Foundation supports a number of different areas of the School and its charitable objectives. Please contact Edward Margetson in the Development Office on 01263 714529 or email to discuss how you would like to help.

I would like to make a regular, monthly donation. How do I do this?

Please click the ‘Donate’ button at the top-right of any page in the Giving Day platform to open the gift form. Then in the ‘Your Gift’ section, tick the checkbox stating that you would like to make a regular direct debit.

Can I give anonymously?

Yes. When making your gift, tick the relevant box in the ‘Gift Visibility’ section of the form. The Development Office will then ensure your name does not appear on the donor lists throughout the coming year and you will be one of the Foundation’s ‘anonymous donors’.

I would like to leave a bequest to Gresham’s in my Will. Can you help?

Yes, of course. Instead of making this type of gift through the Giving Day platform, you can get more information about leaving a legacy to The Gresham’s Foundation by contacting Edward Margetson, Director of Development, on +44 (0)1263 714529 or by email at

How can I help spread the word?

Your support will make a huge difference to Gresham’s and to the success of our Giving Day. Post about our giving day using the hashtags on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn - and don’t forget to tag us! Make sure to tell your friends about this exciting day to get involved and make a difference.

How can I get in touch?

Please feel free to email any questions to the Development Office at or call us on +44 (0)1263 714529